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'Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison'

Hebrews 13 | Alpha in Prisons

Re-imagining how the Church shares life, faith and Jesus

Prisoners often experience a sense of loss and have a hunger to find purpose and meaning in life. Alpha can give them a chance to ask life’s big questions and find out about the Christian faith in a safe, informal and friendly environment.

Alpha Prisons Nationwide Prayer

Nationwide prayer for prisons - gathering via zoom on a weekly basis to pray for those in prison, those who serve them and opportunities to share the Gospel. 

All welcome! Join however frequently or infrequently as you like. 

Thursdays 12pm - 12:30pm AEST 

Bridge Program Training

Offered in the UK since 2021 through Caring For Prison Leavers (a ministry of Holy Trinity Brompton), the Bridge Program aims to encourage and empower people leaving prison to explore and grow in their Christian faith and character, and connect into church communities for ongoing support.


Alpha Australia is hosting training sessions for churches and organisations to connect with the CFPL team and learn how this program could be run in your local context.

2nd May


Online Training​

18th July


Online Training

​17th October


Online Training

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Alpha is sustainable because the local church carries the workload of planning, hosting and presenting Alpha, under the supervision of the Prison Chaplain. Alpha is run in full cooperation of the prison authorities.



Alpha has been attended by millions of people around the globe. In 2017, over 52,000 people experienced Alpha in all kinds of prisons. Resources can be adapted and training materials are continually updated to ensure relevance for the prison context.



Alpha volunteers are required to attend contextual and security training before they start to work in prisons. Alpha prison training is provided by our National Alpha Office in partnership with the prisons.

Impact Study

what participants said about Alpha in Prisons


said Alpha had a very positive impact on their life


would highly recommend Alpha to their friends

what improved for participants through Alpha


my relationship with Jesus


my ability to deal with daily challenges


my ability to deal with anxiety

Donna's Story

Alpha in Prisons Information Flyer

Ways to Get Involved


National Prisons Director


We're here to help!

Looking for something? Need to ask a question about Alpha? Use the chat icon in the bottom right corner to get direct assistance or try our support page.

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